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ICYMI: Secretary of the Florida Department of Corrections Dispels Myths on Marijuana and Florida’s Prison Population

Spoiler Alert: It’s ZERO for simple possession


Tallahassee, Fla. – In case you missed it, in an opinion editorial by Ricky Dixon, Secretary of the Florida Department of Corrections, he dispels myths about marijuana and Florida’s prison population, highlighting how very few people are sentenced to state prison terms for only possessing small amounts of marijuana.

In it, Secretary Dixon states: “…there are no inmates serving time exclusively for possessing 20 grams or less of marijuana…The narrative being promoted by some activists that individuals are imprisoned solely for minor marijuana possession is a lie.”  This notion that there are scores of people incarcerated for simply carrying around a joint or two is what is commonly referred to as an Urban Myth. It’s time this misinformation stops, and the truth prevails.

Further writing he says, “Presently there are only 37 individuals in our prison system convicted for the primary offense of possession of more than 20 grams of marijuana, but all of these individuals had their sentences enhanced by either an extensive criminal record or severe accompanying crimes like grand theft, battery, child abuse or possession of other illicit substances.”

Read the piece in full published by the Tampa Bay Times.

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The Vote No on 3 Campaign is running a vigorous and full-throated campaign to warn Floridians about this deceptive amendment seeking to make Florida the California of the east – a notion anathema to most Floridians. The campaign will highlight how Amendment 3 will cause the black market to explode; make pot more prevalent and more readily accessible for our children; has no time, place, or manner restrictions; and does not provide a plan for how the money generated from marijuana sales will be allocated. To learn more, visit flbizagainsta3.com and follow VoteNoOn3FL on Facebook@VoteNo_On3 on X and @voteno_on3 on Instagram.