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Vote No On 3 Campaign Releases First TV Ad Exposing Amendment 3 as the “Monopoly Amendment”

New spot running statewide brings to light how mega marijuana corporations wrote Amendment 3 to grant themselves a monopoly

Tallahassee, Fla. – The Vote No on 3 campaign today released the first television ad of its effort to defeat Amendment 3, the ballot initiative that would legalize recreational marijuana in Florida. The 30-second spot will air statewide and reveals how mega marijuana corporations wrote Amendment 3 and spent $60 million to get it on the ballot, so they can grant themselves a monopoly. Trulieve’s total spending in support of Amendment 3 has now swelled to a total of $75 million.

The ad highlights how Amendment 3 bans homegrown pot and creates special licenses for these corporations and closes by saying, “Amendment 3 isn’t the marijuana amendment, it’s the monopoly amendment.” 

“Floridians know a bad deal when they see one,” said Vote No on 3 Spokeswoman Sarah Bascom. “This amendment does nothing for them and was written solely to pad the profits of the mega marijuana corporations by granting them a monopoly. It’s not about access to weed, it’s about corporate greed.”

The Vote No on 3 campaign’s opening salvo on the airwaves comes after public polling has confirmed that support for the amendment is dropping despite the “Yes on 3” campaign spending $9 million on television unanswered during the last few months.

“The ‘Yes on 3’ campaign may as well have taken the money they spent on TV in recent weeks and tossed it in the Everglades,” added Vote No on 3 Senior Advisor Ryan Tyson. “The more voters heard their case, the more support Amendment 3 lost.”

Watch “Monopoly” below or click here.


Giant corporations don’t do things out of the goodness of their heart, they do things to make money. And that’s exactly why they wrote Amendment 3.

Marijuana mega corporations spent 60 million bucks putting Amendment 3 on your ballot. Why? It entrenches their monopoly, bans homegrown pot, and gives special licenses to corporations. 

They wrote it. They rigged it. And they are hoping you fall for it.  

Amendment 3 isn’t the marijuana amendment, it’s the monopoly amendment.

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